“An invitation from Wayne Martin, EAP Director
Dear Friends of the Essex Autonomy Project,
I am very pleased to announce the release of the full programme for our 2018 Essex Autonomy Project Summer School.
The past year has been an enormously exciting one for us, both with EAP research and with contributions to a rapidly developing public policy environment. We have seen the completion of the UN review of UK compliance with the CRPD; the draft NICE guidelines on capacity; the ongoing work of the Wessely Review of the Mental Health Act, to name but a few important developments. EAP staff have been playing an active role in these domestic developments, while also collaborating with partners internationally - we will be reporting on and discussing these important developments during the Summer School.
On the research front, we have been working actively on the challenges associated with objectivity in matters pertaining to mental and legal capacity, and have assembled a team that is doing pioneering work on expanding access to contractual relationships for persons with disabilities. We will be presenting preliminary findings at the Summer School.
Last year, the Autonomy Project teamed up with our sister project, the Ethics of Powerless Project, to run parts of the Summer School together. That proved to be a great success, and we are doing something similar this year as well - the EoP team will be leading new sessions on the experience of powerlessness from both the patient's and carer's perspective, and on restoring the power to be oneself.
I very much hope that you will consider joining us in July for the 6th Annual Essex Autonomy Project Summer School. We welcome both returning veterans from earlier years (as you will see from the attached, the content this year will cover a lot of new ground) as well as first-time participants. Places are limited and the best accommodation goes fast, so please visit our website or contact Rosie Worsdale (autonomy@essex.ac.uk) to book your place.
Professor Wayne Martin
EAP Director"