The University of Central Lancashire and Robert Gordon University are delighted to invite you to attend the following:
A four-day Hermeneutic Phenomenology Methodology Course (3-6th April, 2017) aimed at postgraduate research students, researchers and academics working within health and social care areas who are new/novices in this theoretical and methodological approach. During the course, participants will receive an introduction to, and beginning experience in, designing hermeneutic phenomenology studies, collecting and analysing data, and reporting themes, qualities and patterns. (Please note this event includes a three-day methodology course and attendance at the one-day symposium detailed below)
A one-day Hermeneutic Phenomenology Symposium (6th April, 2017) aimed at postgraduate research students, researchers and academics working within health and social care. This is an exciting opportunity to listen to experienced researchers who have used a hermeneutic phenomenological approach to a) highlight some of the challenges in undertaking this type of study and b) to demonstrate how philosophical concepts can be applied to illuminate meaning within health and social care related research projects. A panel discussion will also be held to provide opportunities for further questioning and elaboration.
For full details about these events, please contact Liz Roberts, UCLan Conference and Events; 01772 892650 or visit the website: Alternatively you can contact the event convenors - Dr Gill Thomson ( or Professor Susan Crowther (