Saturday 25 August 2012


As an aide memoire for me, really, I’m writing the following at the moment (in no particular order).

A paper on Collins and tacit knowledge to submit, unsolicited but prompted by Lena Soler, for a special issue called ‘Tacit and Explicit Knowledge: Harry Collins’ framework’ of Philosophia Scientiae

A chapter on Davidson and Wittgenstein for a book edited by Claudine Verheggen, University of York, Canada, hopefully for OUP New York

At least one chapter, possibly two, for collections to be put together by Grant Gillett and Neil Pickering (University of Otago, N.Z.) for offer to OUP, Oxford.

A chapter for an MIT collection on Harmful Dysfunction edited by Denis Forest (Philosophie, Histoire et Sociologie de la Médecine Mentale (PHS2M) programme University of Paris Descartes)

A chapter on Values Based Practice for Michael Loughlin (MMU) for CUP.

A chapter on reductionism for an encyclopaedia of psychology edited by Peter Zachar

A co-authored paper on psychopathology with Gloria Ayob as first author for submission to a special issue of Theoretical Medicine & Bioethics on Neuroethics and Psychopathy

A paper on  ‘Values Based Practice and the service user identity co-authored with David Morris.

In production or under review are:

The manuscript for Gascoigne, N. and Thornton, T. Tacit Knowledge is now with (since last week) the likely publishers Acumen.

My chapter for the Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Psychiatry OUP chapter is with OUP as we attempt to finish the book as a whole:
(forthcoming 2013) ‘Clinical judgement and tacit knowledge’ for Fulford, KWM (Bill) et al (ed) Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Psychiatry, Oxford: Oxford University Press

My chapter on ‘Mind and World as transcendental anthropology’ is now due out in November:
(forthcoming Nov 2012) ‘L'esprit et le monde, une anthropologie transcendentale?’ (translated A Le Goff) for an edited French book on John McDowell's Mind and World / L'esprit et le monde

I have not heard more from the editor recently but it may be that this will be out soon:
(forthcoming September 2012) ‘The recovery model, values and narrative understanding’ in Rudnick, A. (ed) The Recovery of People with Mental Illness Oxford University Press

PS: The Recovery of People with Mental Illness is now (30/08/12) published.